Our goal with the Tutorials Section of Preparing To Survive is to provide you with information that will not only help you in preparing to survive but also be used if and when you are actually in a long term survival situation. Much of this information will also be useful in your day to day life.
In the tutorial section it is our goal to provide you with detail plans and instructions that will enable you to make many of the items needed in a long term survival situation. These are items that you will be unable to cache. If you are having trouble finding plans for an item please contact us and we will do our best to furnish these plans.
Much of this information will be coming from books and journals published long ago. In my opinion if we are required to evacuate to an evacuation point we will find ourselves living in much the same conditions as our forefathers lived in in the mid to late 1800. This is why I have taken a lot of information from books and journals of that time period. It is my contention that by studying the way they lived we will be able to enhance our quality of life in a long term survival situation. By using modern tools and supplies we have cached, coupled with what we learn from our Forefathers we will be able to live in relative comfort.
Along with information from our Forefathers we will on a regular basis have guest authors. These will be folks that are experts in their respective fields.
In addition we are soliciting our readers to submit articles they think will be of interest to our readers. This can be on any subject you choose.